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How much will you charge me?

We charge a standard fee for your trip plus mileage.  You will find our rates considerably higher than taxi/uber or lyft rates as our drivers are paid by the hour and receive hours of specialized training to service people with debilitating injuries or disabilities.  Please call us for a custom quote.

What if we can't find stretcher transport?

KNR does not offer stretcher transport, we can offer a reclining wheelchair.

How will you know when I am ready to be picked up?

Once your appointment is close to being over, just give us a call and we are on the way.

How soon in advance do we have to call to schedule transport?

We ask for at least a 24 hour notice.

What kind of assistance do we provider?

With KNR we offer door to door and curb to curb services.  We stress the importance of providing door to door assistance to our drivers and clients.  We also have escort services if needed.

What if our facility already has a transport bus?

We can be a secondary or a support service for facilities with transportation i.e. overflow, after hours, weekend, holiday transport

Will drivers wait for me until I am ready to return home?

We typically ask you to call us when ready, we will then send a driver to you.  If wait time is requested, we will charge $17 for every half hour.

Want more information or schedule a ride?

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